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Welcome to Class 4

Our class teacher is Mrs Connor.

Mrs Burt and Miss Kersey work in our class too and support us with our learning.

Our children in Y5/6 confidently take more and more responsibility for themselves and for helping younger children. Our oldest children are the role models for the rest of the school through the way they work and play and care for each other.

Our oldest children are nurtured as they look ahead to taking the step up to secondary school, given the support they need to thrive and given the skills to grow beyond that support as they start to become independent young people.

Our children are supported and encouraged to do their very best and to achieve well in the national tests they are challenged to do at the end of Y6; they are equipped with the skills to tackle anything that comes their way.


Year 5/6 Routines

The details below show our normal routines and practices; we are always willing to discuss variations on these for individual children so that they can be successful at their own level of challenge.

Please ensure the children have a water bottle and a healthy snack: fruit or a cereal bar, with them to eat at morning break. On PE days the children can come to School in PE kit and bring spare trainers/football boots if needed in PE sessions.



In our maths, we practice our core skills every day, aiming to reach ‘automaticity’. We use models and manipulatives to support our learning – these are a key part of understanding concepts encountered in Y5/6. We work independently but also in pairs and groups, supporting each other and building our learning through articulating and explaining our ideas. We have plenty of time to practise and plenty to challenge us – there is always something new or deeper to explore. 



It is impossible to overstate how incredibly important reading is. It builds vocabulary, embeds language and phrasing in our minds, helps our understanding of the world around us; it inspires us and moves us and helps us to grow. Plentiful and challenging reading makes an enormous difference to us in English lessons but also far beyond – even in our digital world, reading is still the keyway that knowledge is passed on.

In Year 5/6, we are expected to read every day, reading both independently and to adults at home. We are expected to choose challenging and engaging books and we are supported with suggestions from our teacher, for example to help us discover new authors. We have a very well-stocked school library full of books from carefully-chosen authors.


The Curriculum

Our learning is mainly taught discretely as we are scientists, historians, artists, geographers. We have chances not only to learn and create but to shape what we are taught through bringing our own interests into our school subjects. Have a look at our Curriculum Overviews to find out what we are learning about.



We have three pieces of homework every week, apart from the ongoing expectations to read and practice spellings. We are given homework on a Friday and return our work on a Wednesday.



In Year 6 our pupils sit the statutory tests for 11 years old. All pupils in England need to sit these tests in Reading Comprehension, Grammar and Punctuation, Spelling along with Arithmetic and Reasoning in Maths.

If you have any questions or concerns, please make contact:

Email: h.connor@blakesley.pdet.org.uk

Telephone: 01327 860257

Mrs Hilary Connor

Class 4 Teacher




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