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Welcome to Class 3

Class 3 consists of a mix of Y3 and  Y4 children. Miss Laura Bradbury is the class teacher supported by her Teaching assistant Mrs Van Rensburg. Our HLTA, Mrs Burt, covers lessons when required.


Our termly produced Curriculum maps for parents outline our learning intentions for the term. These give a flavour of the learning, the types of activities and challenges that will be set for children to attempt and promote enquiry.

The objectives and programmes of study from the National Curriculum are covered in our Long Term Map. (A cycle that is on a two-year rolling programme)


Classroom Routines

Our classroom doors open at 8:35am where pupils are presented with initial tasks until registration is complete.

New spelling lists and a spelling lesson start the week on a Monday morning. Copies of differentiated lists are provided so the children can practise at home. Our spellings follow the rules and patterns as set out in The National Curriculum Programmes of Study for Year 3 and Year 4.

PE lessons are timetabled for Tuesday and Thursday pm. Please ensure that outdoor PE kit is available both sessions. Training shoes, tracksuits and sweatshirts are allowed when the weather outside is colder. The school red t-shirt and shorts should always be worn too.

Homework is distributed on a Friday and handed in the following Wednesday. It usually consists of one maths piece, one English piece and a creative or research based activity.

Learning of the multiplication tables is also another high priority within Lower Key Stage Two. After having the concepts of multiplication and division taught in the Autumn term, more formal testing of Times tables begins from the Spring term onwards. It is expected by the end of Year 3 pupils are secure in knowing x2/x10/x5/x3/x4 and by the end of Year 4 x6/x7/x8/x9/x11/x12.

To keep children hydrated throughout the day pupils are allowed to keep water bottles (water only) alongside them as they work in class. Inhalers and epipens where required are kept in the classroom and are readily accessible if necessary.


Reading in Year 3

It is expected in Year 3 and Year 4 that a pupil takes home a reading book every day. Children should read at home for at least 10-15 minutes five or six times per week. Developing children’s reading stamina is vital at this age, building up the length of time for which they can sustain purposeful, independent reading is crucial and requires practice. Reading at home can also include discussion of texts that have been read, asking opinions, considering inference questions – How? Why? What do you think? Encouraging your child to read often, read broadly, read thoughtfully and to develop a love of reading is vital.

Reading books being read by pupils are carefully monitored within the class, a pupil’s reading habits are regularly checked. Individual records are kept tracking progress and the frequency of which they are heard read aloud. Progress through the banded colours and developing reading stamina are key priorities throughout Lower Key Stage Two. Reading lessons are taught which focus on Comprehension and specific reading skills.



On our Expectation Day at the beginning of the year, all class members agreed our class rules and signed the contract together. These rules reflect and promote our school ethos and our values: wisdom, fellowship, compassion, thankfulness and courage. The children are rewarded for their efforts in the classroom, for working hard, for completing homework tasks and for promoting our values around the school. In Praise assemblies on Fridays pupils who have demonstrated the school values, succeeded at a particular task or who have something special to celebrate are rewarded for their efforts and singled out for special praise.


Making Contact

If at any point a parent has a concern, no matter how small, please do not hesitate to make contact. I am always happy to meet and resolve any issues.

Miss Laura Bradbury





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