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Welcome to Class 2

Hello from Mrs Klegeris and a warm welcome to Class 2 consisting of our Year 1 and Year 2 children. Mrs Dugdale is our teaching assistant in Class 2.


All of our children are encouraged to be as independent as possible. Children should enter the school building by themselves, organising their book bags, coats etc.

Our day begins with a phonics lesson before a busy morning of English and Maths.

In the afternoon we study a range of foundation subjects with two sessions timetabled before home time.

Children have free access to a wide range of resources to assist their learning as needed.  Choosing when to use these resources independently is strongly encouraged.

A snack of fresh fruit or vegetables is available before morning break.


Class Expectations 

Our school rules and values sit at the heart of all we do. We aim for a caring but ambitious environment where children will feel empowered to try new things and give their very best at all times. We treat all members of our class with respect and patience.



In Class 2 we follow the National Curriculum which is mapped out on our long term coverage map.

We engage our children with lots of visual and practical resources. We feel very strongly that children should have first-hand experience in discovering how and why something has happened. Practical science investigations allow the children to learn necessary working scientifically skills. A range of sources and experiences are provided when the children are working as historians or geographers.

Music, singing and drama can be found across a wide range of subjects. There is dedicated time for PSHE lessons and RE is taught every week.



Please read with, or listen to your child, read as often as possible. The aim is to record 3-4 reading sessions at home each week. Please record these in the reading record provided. Reading books are changed regularly on Fridays, or earlier in the week if required.

Each Friday, the children will bring home two pieces of homework. Completed homework is to be returned to class by the following Wednesday.


Concerns and Contact Us

We available at the start and end of every day for a conversation or to pass on any information you feel I need to know. Alternatively, we can talk over the phone or via email. If you have a concern or worry, please do share this with me. We are more than happy to arrange time for a private conversation.

Mrs Klegeris 



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